CONFESSION:Hello, my name is Trudi and I am not a cat lover.I don't hate them ... I just don't really care for them either.
Knowing this ... why then are cats in pursuit of me?

1. The next door flat has a cat that sits at the flywire door 24/7 and leers at me.2. A random stray often comes to my door moaning meowing.
3. And when I visit friends with cats they are all over me.
It is like cats know and they are trying to change my mind (or mess with my head).
And now they are invading my sewing life... a friend asked me to make a softie for her to give as a present to a cat loving child. Aahhhh!!!
So, I used the Softies book and made this little one.

I changed the eyes from the ones in the pattern.

Now this cat is one I think I can learn to love...
For more creative goodness grab a cuppa, put your feet up and head over to
Kristy who is kicking back today.